We've Cracked the Case! S2-E3

Nut busting Progress
As seen above I have made some exceptional progress in processing acorns. I have so far used two different methods with cracking nuts. The first I used a hammer a wooden rod and a piece of PVC pipe this the rod and pipe hold the nut and then I swing down on the hammer to unshell the nuts, this was effective but messy. Matt came up with the great idea of using a pair of garden clippers to shell the nuts, not only is this faster but also much much cleaner! I have made so much more progress with shelling!

The next step is to boil down all of the tannic acids out of the shells and to do a cold water extraction with the nut meat.  In order to effectively extract the tannic acid out of the nut meat, I must now grind down the meat into a fine powder like flour. To do this I believe the best method to use is a blender.

All of the shells that will be boiled down

The clippers I used and all of the nut meat


  1. Hey John,
    I am so happy you got an idea suggested to you of a faster and cleaner method to shell your nuts. The old method you did always did look scary like you were about to crush a finger. Omg we love a nut king. I am so excited to see what happens with all the acorns!


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